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Welcome to the official website for the Durandus Institute for Sacred Liturgy & Music.
The Durandus Institute was formed by the primary organizers of the Sarum Vespers celebrated in Philadelphia on Candlemas Eve 2020. Our mission is to continue providing uplifting liturgical events in the Philadelphia metropolitan and surrounding regions, drawing from the rich patrimony of the Catholic liturgical and musical tradition. The Durandus Institute serves all approved forms of Catholic liturgy, with a special focus on the medieval uses and the uses of the religious orders.
The institute takes its name from Guillaume Durand (c.1230-1296), also known as Durandus: a medieval French bishop and liturgical author. His most important liturgical work was the 'Rationale divinorum officiorum', a treatise on the symbolism and spiritual significance of church architecture and ceremonies of the Mass and Divine Office. The 'Rationale' was among the first books reproduced by Gutenberg or his associates after the invention of the printing press.
We are available to assist parishes and small groups in building stable communities for regular singing of the Divine Office, workshops for priests and deacons on liturgical praxis, and consultation on special moments in the life of the individual Christian: christenings, weddings, and other such occasions.
You are invited to reach out to us (jgriffin@durandusinstitute.org) if you would like assistance on a liturgical project in your area!